Sunday, June 22, 2014

Day Trading

How Day Trading Works - Some conventional wisdom you'll often hear from financial planners and investment counselors is: You don't get rich quickly -- you get rich slowly, over time. So why are so many people turning to day trading as a way to get rich quickly? Is day trading really a way to turn a few dollars into a small fortune?
Electronic Trading: Introduction - When it comes to electronic trading, for most individual investors, taking a long-term buy-and-hold approach is probably the best strategy. Most of us simply don't have the time or the expertise to trade for a living. But for some investors, trading can be an extremely lucrative profession.

Day Trading Strategies For Beginners - When people use the term "day trading", they mean the act of buying and selling a stock within the same day. Day traders seek to make profits by leveraging large amounts of capital to take advantage of small price movements in highly liquid stocks or indexes. Here we look at some common day trading strategies that can be used by retail traders.

Day trading: 5 things you need to know - 
Yes, people can make money day trading. However, you need to be extremely disciplined. The best traders have spent years honing their craft and they know to do their research so they don't lose money. The key to becoming a successful trader is to not let emotions get in the way. Create a business plan, just like you would if you started a company, and stick to it. Write down how much you want to make in a year and how much you’re willing to lose money. When you do lose money, don’t worry -- tomorrow’s another day.

Day Trading Salary – How much money can you really make? - Let me first start off by saying anyone that tells you a definitive range for a day trading salary you might as well assume they are telling you a bed time story. I might as was well be talking to one of my kids about Yo Gabba Gabba. For all you corporate people that can go to sites like or talk to your friends to gauge how much you can make in a particular job, don’t expect such finite numbers when discussing potential income from day trading . Reason being, there are host of external factors that play into how much money you actually can make. In this article I am going to tear down all the fluff that you will find on the web and get down to hard cold numbers. Sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

What are the components of a stock chart - While there are still a handful of traders that utilize fundamentals, the bulk of hedge fund managers and active traders use charts. So, the old adage applies, if you can’t beat them, join them.

How to Trade with Margin - Trading with margin is simply using borrowed money to buy or sell stocks short. Brokerage firms will allow you to use your cash on hand as equity in determining the amount of margin you are allocated in your trading account.

8 Reasons Why Not to Sell a Stock Short - Selling Short requires more skill than going long. That statement alone may trigger a response from my readers, but I believe that is an accurate statement for a number of reasons.

Learn How to Pull the Trigger on a Trade - Fear is one of the emotions that can hold you back from reaching your full trading potential. Trading is primarily a mental game and those that exercise clear judgment have the greatest odds of success. So, before we can delve into why you are having trouble pulling the trigger, we first need to understand the basis of your fears.

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